The Make Money Mama

teaching moms how to work from home and make more money in less time

Easy Ways To Make Money From Home

Are you looking for a way to leave your office job and find easy ways to make money from home in your sweatpants? I’m so much more productive and creative working from home. I also love that I save significant time each week by eliminating my commute. Instead of driving to and from work, I can use that time to exercise, run errands, or take a break. I know you’ll enjoy these perks of working from home, too! 

The great news is there are so many ways to make money from home, and finding the best work-from-home jobs can be a great way to achieve financial stability, flexibility in your schedule, or just some extra cash. You can work from home and make money doing anything you want if you’re willing to put in the effort. 

This looks better than driving to an office, doesn’t it?

5 easy ways to make money from home

Whatever your reason for starting this journey, you’ll want to check out these easy ways to make money from home. 

Become a Tasker 

You know those business tasks many people seem to put off doing? Why not make money by offering to do them for people, so they don’t have to?! Certain tasks are necessary to make my business run that I don’t enjoy doing or always procrastinate. When I realized I could pay someone fair wages who enjoys doing the thing I don’t enjoy doing, a whole new world was opened to me! And I’m forever grateful for the help I receive. 

Taskers and gig workers are individuals that perform tasks for a fee. Tasks can be done from anywhere that you have an Internet connection and a device on which you work. Taskers usually make money by taking surveys, but there are plenty of other ways to make money, like data entry (e.g., entering information in a spreadsheet), transcribing audio files into text documents, or finding information online and entering into a document.

Become a Virtual Assistant

Similar to taskers, virtual assistants perform administrative, managerial, and organizational tasks for clients. They can be hired to schedule appointments, manage social media accounts, do data entry, analyze data, and more. Just about anything that can be done from a computer or phone can be done by a virtual assistant. 

The advantages of this type of work are that you can set your own hours and work remotely from home. You also don’t need special qualifications as long as you’re organized, detail-oriented, and have good communication skills. Virtual assistants help online business owners run their businesses. And many entrepreneurs work with virtual assistants. 

Become a social media pro

Social media jobs are an excellent way to earn from home and one of the most popular ways for people to work remotely. Social media jobs can range from managing Instagram accounts to helping brands produce content on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and more.

The pay fluctuates widely depending on the type of work you are doing and how much experience you have, but it can range anywhere from $10 per hour up to six figures and beyond. You may also be paid based on productivity – if, say, your company’s Instagram account gets more followers than usual during your shift (and that is due to what you did), then they might pay you a bonus at the end of the month. 

As long as people use social media platforms (and they always will), there are always jobs for people who want them!

Create Your Own Business

Have you tried out your skills as a tasker, virtual assistant, social media pro, or something else? Are you ready to take it up a notch and embody freelance freedom? Then time to think about creating your own business! Starting a business around your specific skillset has never been easier than it is now (thanks internet). 

You could start an affiliate marketing business, copywriting business, or even start your own social media marketing businesses. Whatever you can think up, you can do.

Check out my copywriting business

Get my free affiliate marketing ebook

If you’re ready for this challenge, creating your own business can be very rewarding!

Sell Products From Home

This is an easy side gig that doesn’t require special skills (sweet!), and anyone can sell products from home. 

What kinds of products can you sell from home? In short, anything that people want or need. It doesn’t have to be handmade or vintage or anything special, just something around the house you no longer want or need that someone else might. This can be furniture, kitchen appliances, kid’s toys, or yard tools. 

Where should you list these products to sell? Online stores like Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Craiglist, and Letgo are just a few examples of online selling platforms. If you’re selling handmade goods (physical or digital), then stores like Etsy would be a good fit. For items around the house, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, Craiglist, and Letgo would work. 

You can make money from home!

There are plenty of easy ways to make money from home, these are just a few! If you’re creative and willing to try new things, you’ll find your own path and can do something you love to do and make working at home work for you.

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